“He gets bored easily.” “She’s always asking me to play with her.” “He has trouble finding something to do and then just bothers …
Learning Empathy
Empathy begins in infancy. When you regularly meet the needs of your infant, you are actually teaching them that they matter, that you …
Life After Placement
What life might need to look like after saying YES and welcoming a new child? When you invite a child to join your family, you become …
The Birth of Your Relationship
When we bring home a newborn baby from the hospital, life around us seems to halt. We clear our calendars around the upcoming due date …
Seeing the Need Behind the Behavior
The routine was off this morning. I knew that it was. M and I usually have some time alone together in the mornings but this morning a …
Our Amazon Shop
Did you know....that the Restore Network has an Amazon shop where we've gathered our favorite books and resources for helping provide your child with felt-safety, connection, and regulation. And...every purchase made after following the link provides us with a...
Our Pinterest Page
Did you know....that the Restore Network has a Pinterest page that coincides with our trauma informed training modules and can give you additional ideas for supporting your kiddo? Find help supporting your child's brain, building attachment, providing co-regulation,...