Resources by Topic

Vacation Mode: How to Set Your Kiddos Up for Success for a Trip Out of Town

Vacation Mode: How to Set Your Kiddos Up for Success for a Trip Out of Town

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care The Restore Network exists to change the culture of foster care and equip God's ... read more

Supporting Regulation: When Behaviors Are Scary and Where to Get Help

Supporting Regulation: When Behaviors Are Scary and Where to Get Help

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 8 of an 8-part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Keeping Behaviors Low & Returning to Calm

Supporting Regulation: Keeping Behaviors Low & Returning to Calm

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 7 of an 8-part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Proactive Strategies

Supporting Regulation: Proactive Strategies

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 6 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Taking Care of Your Own Nervous System

Supporting Regulation: Taking Care of Your Own Nervous System

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 5 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Making a Safety Plan for Your Whole Family

Supporting Regulation: Making a Safety Plan for Your Whole Family

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 4 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Identifying Triggers

Supporting Regulation: Identifying Triggers

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 3 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Identifying the Stress Response

Supporting Regulation: Identifying the Stress Response

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 2 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Supporting Regulation: Awareness Brings Empathy

Supporting Regulation: Awareness Brings Empathy

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care In part 1 of a 9 part series, Ashley Bennett, our Director of Trauma Informed ... read more

Tips for a More Regulated Thanksgiving Break!

Tips for a More Regulated Thanksgiving Break!

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care ‘Tis the season for gratitude, gift buying, turkey, and football! We’re entering ... read more

Teaching Children to Accept “No” and Negotiate their Needs with Respect

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care The Restore Network exists to change the culture of foster care and equip God's ... read more

Empowering Principle: Transitions

Empowering Principle: Transitions

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Another part of helping support your child with structure, is helping them handle ... read more

Empowering Principle: Structure & Routines

Empowering Principle: Structure & Routines

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care   Ok, ok. Some of you took a look at this photo above and your heart ... read more

Empowering Principle: Calming

Empowering Principle: Calming

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care   In their book the Whole Brain Child, authors Dan Siegel and Tina Payne ... read more

Empowering Principle: Sleep

Empowering Principle: Sleep

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care   A good night’s sleep can make all the difference, can’t it? Sleep is the ... read more

Empowering Principle: Movement

Empowering Principle: Movement

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Ok, now let's talk about the benefits of movement.  You guys, I know our ... read more

Empowering Principle: Sensory Diet

Empowering Principle: Sensory Diet

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Now I want to talk to you about a different kind of diet, your sensory diet. ... read more

Empowering Principle: Nutrition

Empowering Principle: Nutrition

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Alright so the candy bar, Snickers, taught us this one. We aren’t ourselves when ... read more

Empowering Principle: Hydration

Empowering Principle: Hydration

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Water has never been something I've really loved to consume! I mean, I KNOW it's ... read more

Surviving Large Gatherings & Preparing Your People

Surviving Large Gatherings & Preparing Your People

Often times, holidays and celebrations are a time of the year in which you are more likely to gather with larger groups of extended ... read more

Imagining the Celebration From Your Child’s Perspective

Imagining the Celebration From Your Child’s Perspective

As we approach this holiday season as foster or adoptive parents, we need to imagine the holidays from our child’s ... read more

Understanding Compassion Fatigue & Burn Out

Understanding Compassion Fatigue & Burn Out

I know you started out in this journey to foster care likely with an open heart and well meaning. You wanted to enrich the life of a ... read more

Teaching Children to Play

Teaching Children to Play

“He gets bored easily.” “She’s always asking me to play with her.” “He has trouble finding something to do and then just bothers ... read more

Favorite Podcasts

Favorite Podcasts

As Restore Network staff, we love podcasts! Here are some of our favorite ones for those of you who are doing the hard work of foster ... read more



When we welcome a child into our home through foster care, our primary job in those early days is to work on cultivating felt-safety in ... read more

Why Traditional Parenting Might Not Work

Why Traditional Parenting Might Not Work

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care   Before we take a look at new ways of engaging our children during moments ... read more

Helping Your Kids in the Summer When School is Out

Helping Your Kids in the Summer When School is Out

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care   My kids have been out of school since last week and I am excited about the ... read more

Learning Empathy

Learning Empathy

Empathy begins in infancy. When you regularly meet the needs of your infant, you are actually teaching them that they matter, that you ... read more

Seven Risk Factors

Seven Risk Factors

The Karyn Purvis Institute for Child Development recognizes 7 risk factors for our children that can adversely affect their development ... read more

The Roller Coaster

The Roller Coaster

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care I think a pretty good analogy for the foster care system is that of being on a ... read more

Life After Placement

Life After Placement

What life might need to look like after saying YES and welcoming a new child? When you invite a child to join your family, you become ... read more

Back to School

Back to School

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care When my boys first came to me, they were several grade levels behind academically. ... read more

Classroom Regulation Strategies

Classroom Regulation Strategies

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Keeping your kiddo regulated in the classroom can be tough! But it's a key ... read more

The Birth of Your Relationship

The Birth of Your Relationship

When we bring home a newborn baby from the hospital, life around us seems to halt. We clear our calendars around the upcoming due date ... read more

Avoiding After School Meltdowns

Avoiding After School Meltdowns

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Let's face it, the after school meltdown can be REAL. Your kiddos have done their ... read more

Supporting our Children after a New Placement

Supporting our Children after a New Placement

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care If you're reading this resource, you might be looking for ways to prepare your ... read more

Now What?

Now What?

You've just welcomed a new child into your home! You're making appointments, enrolling them in school, adjusting your plans, and ... read more

Visit Days

Visit Days

We all know birth family visits can bring out lots of big feelings for our kids. For some, there is happiness and anticipation. But ... read more

Holiday Tip #5: Practice Outside the Moment

Holiday Tip #5: Practice Outside the Moment

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care We’ve talked a little bit in this space about making life predictable for our ... read more

Holiday Tip #4: Share Control

Holiday Tip #4: Share Control

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Do you have a child who sabotages big days? Or at least maybe it feels that way ... read more

Holiday Tip #3:  Predictability & Structure

Holiday Tip #3: Predictability & Structure

by Ashley Bennett, Director of Trauma-Informed Care Listen I know. It’s getting harder to predict what’s going to happen next in 2020 ... read more

Holiday Tip #2:  Simplify

Holiday Tip #2: Simplify

If you are a foster parent, you are raising a child who has experienced significant relational harm. Because of this, their bodies and ... read more

Holiday Tip #1: Sad Looks Mad

Holiday Tip #1: Sad Looks Mad

So, this year the holidays may end up looking a bit different than we're used to, right? Maybe you’re excited about the opportunity to ... read more

Say It With Scripts

Say It With Scripts

Have you ever thought, "Maybe I use too many words when I talk to my children?" If so, you are in good company! Adults use talk as ... read more

Seeing the Need Behind the Behavior

Seeing the Need Behind the Behavior

The routine was off this morning. I knew that it was. M and I usually have some time alone together in the mornings but this morning a ... read more



by a Restore Network Foster Mom She still sleeps beside me every night. She used to sleep on top of me. She would wake up if she ... read more

Choices & Compromises

Choices & Compromises

by Ashley Bennett, Restore Network Director of Trauma-Informed Care Babies are created to be entirely dependent on adults to meet ... read more

Food Insecurities

Food Insecurities

Food is essential to our survival. It’s comforting. It’s a social activity. It’s fuel for our brains and bodies. Food is an important ... read more

Sleep Struggles

Sleep Struggles

Regaining a feeling of safety takes time. Kids in foster care have experienced harm at the hands of their primary caregivers, and it’s ... read more

Hard Doesn’t Mean Wrong

Hard Doesn’t Mean Wrong

by Katie Myette, Restore Network Executive Director I remember the early days of foster care. I remember when God called us to open ... read more

Our Amazon Shop

Our Amazon Shop

Did you know....that the Restore Network has an Amazon shop where we've gathered our favorite books and resources for helping provide ... read more

Our Pinterest Page

Our Pinterest Page

Did you know....that the Restore Network has a Pinterest page that coincides with our trauma informed training modules and can give ... read more